Thursday, January 30, 2020

Communicate in a business environment Essay Example for Free

Communicate in a business environment Essay 3.1 Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly 3.2 Explain ways of making contributions to discussion that help to move them forward 3.3 Describe methods of active listening 3.4 Explain the purpose of summarising verbal communications 4.1 Describe ways of getting feedback on communications 4.2 Explain the purpose of using feedback to develop communication skills Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly to present any information or ideas I need clearly I often use simple language and short sentences this makes it easier for everybody to understand. Also I present the information is a variety of ways as some people understand things and concepts in different ways. For example; some people understand by hearing or seeing. Before I present any information or ideas I always plan out what I want to say, I often also take out any information that is not necessary. I also use active and personal language like ‘’you’ and ‘we’’. Explain ways of making contributions to discussion that help to move them forward To make conversation move forward, I often learn to listen to people and give importance for everybody’s ideas. This way I can make positive contributions that can lead to further discussion. I also often do not make a contribution to a subject who isn’t positive or may not affect me or my work. Describe methods of active listening In order to perform within LSG and to develop my skills listening is one the most important skills I should obtain. As it will portray the quality of my relationship with my team and clients. Listening is important as I need to often obtain information from others to learn new things. Methods of active listening include: Listening calmly without interrupting, so that I let the other person speak and show them that I care and respect them Asking others to repeat if I do not understand anything, in order to avoid mistakes Taking notes of important points, so that I do not forget or miss out on any important points Confirming what I have understood, so that there is no misunderstanding of information Explain the purpose of summarising verbal communications The purpose of summarising verbal communication is to identify major points, behaviours, thoughts and feelings that have been discussed. I then often collate all the information I have collected. By doing this is helps to have a clear precise outline of all communications. Describe ways of getting feedback on communications I believe that feedback completes the entire process of communication. Feedback helps us to decide if the communication was effects and useful. I often get feedback from my line manager Scott or I often get it from clients on the phone. If any feedback given is to improve on anything I often make note of the feedback and make a working progress for myself to include the suggestion in my work. Explain the purpose of using feedback to develop communication skills I use feedback for improve my work performance. It helps improve my work ethnic, team work and quality of my work. To help develop communication skills the feedback has to be received and acted upon. Once I have acted upon feedback I always let my line manager Scott know so that he can see I am willing to learn and enthusiastic and this may encourage people to offer me feedback in the future.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Bible :: essays research papers

If the Bible is indeed the Word of God, perfect and without error, then the issue is settled. Homosexuality is a sin and we must condemn it's practice. However, if the Bible is the writings of men who were only capable of seeing dimly, as if in a mirror, the way Paul described it, then we have a long way to go before we settle the question. John's teaching concerning the third person of the trinity, God's Holy Spirit, has that person leading us into truth, and not a book...even if that book is called "the Holy Bible." I maintain that the conservative doctrine that the Bible is the express Word of God, perfect and without error, is a heresy. This doctrine is a heresy as the ancient Greeks used the word, a teaching or attitude which us used to cause divisiveness in the community. It is used by the conservatives to separate out those who do not accept a divinely inspired Bible, in the same manner as Jesus describes the shepherd separating out the sheep from the goats. It is also a heresy in the manner that the church uses the word, a false doctrine which might lead to the worship of a false God. It elevates the book into the status of God. If, as I believe, God is leading us to openly accept and affirm those with differing sexual orientations and gender identities that the "norm," the doctrine of an inerrant Bible must be destroyed. Not only must we object to this doctrine when we find it among the conservatives, the Fundamentalists, the Orthodox, the Pentecostal and the Charismatic, but we must also object to this doctrine when we find it in those Churches and believers which do support the claim of the gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered and transvestite, that God accepts them on equal status with the straight.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Challenges in Conducting a Good Research Essay

The theoretical foundations are the heart for conducting research in a given area. It is the framework on which the whole research project is based. It is a rationally described, elaborated and developed network of relationships among the variables considered important to the problem situation and identified through such process as literature survey, interview and observations. An effective theoretical foundation identifies and define the relevant variables in a situation that are necessary to the problem defined. Similarly, the building blocks of conducting a good research are the existing facts, theories and hypothesis concerning the topic of study. They serve as a guide to the representation of existing information about the problem, thus supporting and motivating the research in regard to the topic. A good example of the building blocks of a research is the literature review, which provides information about what has been put out about the problem (Taber, 2012). Challenges To Conducting A Good Research Looking for study participants. Finding the participants of the research is usually difficult because a researcher has to define the target participants before he or she goes to the find. In most cases such participants are usually hidden, making it hard to find them. Nevertheless, the best way to solve this challenge is through networking. Networking through methods such as snowball technique eliminates this challenge (Webster & Tuckman,2000). A research can also work with other established researcher in the field for networking Dealing with collected data. When the study is completed, the researcher is faced with the challenge of having a large volume of data, which he or she has to link it with the present research. He or she has to show how his or her research contributes to the body of knowledge. Large data are hard to analyze. But, it can be solved by referring to the methodology used in the study. He or she can also stay focused so as not to be distracted by insignificant data. References Taber, K. (2012). Conducting research in educational contexts. Teacher Development, 395-397. Webster, P., & Tuckman, B. (2000). Conducting Educational Research. Journal of Research in Music Education, 271-271. Source document

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Problem With Gun Ownership - 1862 Words

â€Å"The US has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world and the highest firearm homicide rate in the developed world† (Martin). While America is transfixed about creating the perfect world, there are more important concerns dealing with the lives of individuals who are in danger if guns are prohibited. The problem with guns is obvious, but has not been dealt with because it is a large problem that takes time, money, and patience that the government is not will to do or wait for. While others believe that it is better to fix the problem through perusing peace, nevertheless, there are ways to combat the present evil of society, such are; Smart guns, physical and mental evaluations, and an ample amount of time to process thorough†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"There were a total number of 1,039 people who died who used guns as self-defense† (Missions Charts and Maps). Hitler who took away guns had mass murder take effect because people did not have any weapon s to protect them. America should not have to repeat history. â€Å"Gun owners increasingly cite protection as the main reason they own a gun† (Why Own a Gun?). In the chart above a large percent say that having a gun makes them feel safer states from the people who personally own it. â€Å"While protection is a major reason that gun owners give for having a weapon, safety also is a top concern among those in a non-gun household who express discomfort with having a gun in their home† (Why Own a Gun?). Although guns might be dangerous, they can save your life. Guns are a way to feed a family, a way to provide for safety, and a way of life in the twenty first century. Gun ownership comes with a lot of responsibility and practice. Not only does owning a gun allow for families to hunt, but provides meals for their children. â€Å"Just 32% say they have a gun primarily for hunting and even fewer cite other reasons, such as target shooting† (Why Own a Gun?). Guns, suc h as, rifles and pistols can be used for more than stopping the hearts of animals, but for a sport that allows for enjoyment and happiness to be showed through shooting targets. The Bill of Rights has been amended twenty seven times. The Second Amendment states â€Å"The right of people to keep and bear arms